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E waste management EPR Registration Detail

Overview of EPR Authorization in Electronic Waste Management

An EPR Authorisation is required to regulate producers’ Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). To obtain an EPR Authorization, producers must submit form – 1 of the rules to CPCB. Applicants can apply for the grant of EPR Authorization online through this online E-Waste Management System. The present module is an EPR Application module that enables the submission and granting of EPR Authorizations online. In this system, all stakeholders must register, including producers, PROs, dismantlers, recyclers, and refurbishers. Producers, PROs, dismantlers, recyclers, and refurbishers add transporter and collection points/centres to this system.

Its Applicability

Producers include anyone engaged in the selling process, regardless of the distribution mode, such as dealers, retailers, e-retailers, etc.

Process of Registration to CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board)

EPR Authorization for Plastic Waste Management can be obtained by following the following process-

Required Documents for Battery EPR Registration Process

How do we assist you in obtaining EPR Certificate?

As a final step, you must register your plastic product via the CPCB’s centralized online EPR portal if your plastic product is subject to EPR. The CPCB requires a plastic waste management registration certificate from manufacturers, importers, brand owners, and plastic waste processors. The CPCB does not permit PIBOs and PWPs to conduct business without an EPR registration. Therefore, we are at your disposal to simplify and keep your business simple.

For more information about the EPR Registration for plastic waste management and to run your business smoothly, contact us at +91-99992-53054 or mail us at support1@globalsolution.co.in. We will provide quick and efficient EPR Registration for plastic waste management to meet your expectations. By guiding you through every step of the EPR registration process, our experts will help you obtain your certificate on time.


Sample of a Grant Certificate for EWM

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